Millennium Season 3 Episode 22

Millennium Season 3 Episode 22

Frank is held responsible for a man’s death while Emma joins with the Millennium Group.



In this continuation of the previous episode… In the aftermath of the apartment explosion, a wounded Barry Baldwin is placed inside an ambulance. It is believed that he will survive. But during the trip to a hospital, a paramedic deliberately presses a piece of shrapnel down into Baldwin’s chest, killing him. When Lucas Barr views a television news report about Baldwin’s death, he contacts an FBI phone number listed on the screen.

A quantity of videotapes is confiscated from Barr’s charred apartment. It is believed that Barr used the tapes to record the murders. Meanwhile, McClaren tells Emma that he plans on retiring. He informs her of his intention to nominate her as his replacement. Later, McClaren tells a group of agents that Barr phoned the FBI toll-free number from the location of his most recent attack. Frank realizes that the bodies of the victims are missing.

A doctor informs Emma that although her father’s mental function is deteriorating rapidly, his physical strength has remained the same, which is highly unusual. Later, Watts reiterates his offer to cure Emma’s father of his affliction.

Frank visits the home of Lucas Barr’s most recent victims. He notes that the television is set to channel fourteen. That number, Frank notes, is the final station of the cross. Frank believes that Barr phoned the FBI because he was horrified by Baldwin’s death. Later, McClaren shows Frank night vision taken inside Jordan’s bedroom… meaning Barr had access to the house. McClaren asks Frank to confirm that the “channel fourteen” stations-of-the-cross clue means the killer has ended his mission. But Frank makes mention of “resurrection.”

Meanwhile, Lucas Barr moves into the house of a friend, Cheryl Kellough, a pretty 25-year-old who is also quite blind.

Believing Watts and the Millennium Group are responsible for Barry Baldwin’s death, Frank demolishes the windows of Watts’ house using a 2 x 4. He accuses Watts of attempting to break him down in hopes he will go crawling back to the Group. During the exchange, it appears as if Watts doesn’t know if the Group is behind the plot.

Watts accesses the Group’s computer via modem to research the case. His connection is cut off, but he nonetheless manages to download a list of aliases for Lucas Barr. Moments later, Emma contacts Watts and informs him she cannot accept his offer. But when she next visits the retirement home, she discovers that her father has been taken away by persons unknown.

Peter Watts tells Frank that a year after Ed Cuffle’s capture, Millennium Group scientists learned to “switch on” the psychological process of learning in adults, development that usually ends after infancy. Frank wonders if recreating another Ed Cuffle is considered progress. Moments later, Watts hands Frank the list of aliases for Lucas Barr. He assure him that he has acted as his protector from the very beginning.

Frank brings the alias list to Doug Scaife. While looking at Lucas Barr’s high school yearbook, Frank notices the name of the student listed just prior to Lucas. That name, “Doug Baron,” matches a name on the alias list. Frank asks Scaife to concentrate his efforts on finding all information on that alias.

When Emma returns to her apartment, she discovers her father, now quite lucid, with a small bandage covering the spot where Group surgeons operated on his brain.

Frank’s behavior ultimately leads to the end of his association with the Bureau. But before Frank leaves, Scaife gives him an address for Cheryl Kellough’s house. When Frank arrives at the house, he speaks to Lucas and Cheryl through the barricaded door. Cheryl realizes something is terribly wrong; she trips the circuit breakers, plunging the house into darkness. Lucas dons his night vision gear and, cordless drill in hand, finds Cheryl hiding in a closet… where the bodies of his last two victims have been hidden…

Serie Name: Millennium
Episode Name: Goodbye to All That
Air Date: 1999-05-21

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